LEGO Jurassic Park: The Unofficial Retelling finally REVEALED!

We finally have our first look at LEGO Jurassic Park: The Unofficial Retelling via a press release and the first trailer for the animated special! Exclusively on Peacock on October 10th, this 22 minute special looks like a ton of fun.

This latest special from LEGO features the Jurassic Park story we all know and love told through the lens of Dr. Ian Malcolm, everyone’s favorite Chaotician! Based off the idea that this is an “Unofficial Retelling,” I had assumed that this would be a tall tale told by Malcolm, based off the events of the film. The idea of Ian Malcolm skewing the events of the island disaster in his favor could present a ton of humor to the story. But unlike my theory on the animated short, it looks like this is a more straight retelling of the story with humor infused throughout - which still looks great! Here’s a bit of information from the press release:

From the comfort of his living room and after finding his personal journal, the ever charming and now slightly older Chaos Theory Mathematician Dr. Ian Malcolm retells the tale of what happened that dreadful night at Jurassic Park. As only he can do, Dr. Malcolm finds a way to add his own unique humor and style to bring this harrowing story back to life. A theme park destination filled with living dinosaurs for family and kids to enjoy – what could possibly go wrong? Absolutely everything…just as he had predicted!

Along with the new animated story, the complete LEGO saga so far will be available on Peacock as of October 1st - LEGO Jurassic World: Legend of Isla Nublar, LEGO Jurassic World: The Secret Exhibit (Episodes 1 + 2), and LEGO Jurassic World: Indominus Escape. Each Jurassic World series and short has been an exciting interpretation of the Jurassic universe, so adding LEGO Jurassic Park: The Unofficial Retelling to the list will be delightful!


Written by:
Brad Jost